

公司照顾员工福利,安排免费的基本身体检查。检查身体,免不了验血验尿。从小害怕打针,除非必要,绝不轻易被针扎。医疗公司另外有更详细的检验配套,可自己付费“购买”。检测的项目更多,不过抽取的血液样本一样,原本没打算upgrade 配套的我,一听之下,临时决定改变主意,要了更详细的配套。自付百多元,却因此感觉比较划算。虽然医疗人员非常专业,凭良心讲,也不是真的很痛,不过一想到针扎进肉里,就觉得应该是痛的。观念无可救药的根深蒂固,也不顾生理上的感觉,心理早已固执的认定,只要被针扎,无论如何都是痛的。

2 条评论:

bluedreamer 说...

Just some thinking to share: Injection can be a form of self-inducing pain from the psychological point of view if the idea of pain is already planted in the mind. But from the cognitive behaviour therapy, this thinking can be changed deliberately and thus reduce the pain sensation.."every outcome 1st begin with a thought"

RSI播音人Off-Mic吐真言 说...

Thank you bluedreamer for the insightful sharing. I couldn't agree more.I admit the pain was more of psychological then physical.
-fugitive of QI repulic :)